Where Can I Buy That? Stuff Edition
As you settle into your life here in Spain, you're sure to need to do a little shopping. In this series, you'll find some insights as to where we buy the essentials. This is our second stop: STUFF!
Using a Public Bathroom in Spain
It seems like a topic that could be left unsaid, but we're gonna be straight with you―there are things you should be aware of before using a public bathroom here in Spain. Here are our tips for you boys and girls
Using a Bathroom in Spain
There are some small, yet notable differences between bathrooms in Spain and the US so we've compiled some explanations and anecdotes to help you adapt and avoid those awkward questions after you've arrived.
What Does it Mean to Group Intercambio?
Intercambios are fun and easy way to meet people and practice your Spanish while abroad. Group intercambios mean that you are not focused on one-on-one learning but are together with a larger group of people.
What Does it Mean to Intercambio?
Check out this fun and easy way to meet people and practice your Spanish while abroad―intercambios or language exchanges!
How to: Use Correos (Part I)
Figuring out how to use the post office (and even tabacco shops!) to get an international card or package sent off to loved ones may seem daunting but here we’ve got everything you need to know when using correos to send mail home from Spain.
Spanish Style Eating
Food is a culture in and of itself, so we've compiled the basics to help you understand expectations and timetables when it comes to eating in Spain. Check it out, but be ready to get hungry!
Everyone Has an Opinion… on the U.S.A.
There are many experiences that you will have while traveling or living abroad, but one I bet you won’t be able to avoid is having people tell you what they think about the U.S.A.
7 Steps to a Successful Peluquería Trip (Getting a Haircut in Spain)
Getting a haircut can be a stressful experience no matter where you, although doing so in Spain―in another language―can be even more intimidating. Fear not! With these tips you'll be a pro at the hair salon in no time!
Adapting to a New Culture: Dani’s Experiences
Adapting is hard. In this post we share Dani’s experience on adapting to a new culture, some ups and downs, and tips for finding your own way while living abroad in a new country.
Adapting to a New Culture: Claudia’s Experiences
Adapting is hard. In this post we share Claudia’s experience on adapting to a new culture, some ups and downs, and tips for finding your own way while living abroad in a new country.
Adapting to a New Culture: What You Should Know
Are you wondering how long it will take you to adapt to a new culture? Are you frustrated it hasn’t happened as quickly as you would have liked? In this post we dive in to what you should know about this process.