Relocating to Madrid: A Specialist’s Insights into Apartment-Hunting
Today we welcome to the blog guest writer, Eliana. She is a reputable relocation specialist with tons of experience helping auxiliares find housing in Madrid. In this post, she walks you through what you should know about the apartment-hunting process, a few districts of the city you should consider, why you might want to work with a relocation specialist, and more.
Easy Spanish for Asking for Directions (and Giving Directions)
Whether you’ll be in Spain for a short or long time, there’s a good chance you’ll need to ask for directions. Check out this guide with tons of tips, vocab, and things you should know.
Dealing with Your Period Abroad (in Spain)
Periods are something that will happen no matter where you are in the world yet they can feel strange when traveling or living abroad. In this post we dive into what you want to know about handling your period while in Spain.
Snapshots of Spain (Announcing Dani’s Book)
Have you heard? Dani’s releasing her second book this week and it’s a collection of short stories all about expat life in Spain! Check out this post for the details and a tour of the stories’ Spanish destinations.
Expat Life in Madrid
Today on the blog we are welcoming guest writer Sarah Willats. Sarah shares her experience moving and living abroad in different places before ultimately setting in Madrid. She dives deep into her story and we think you’ll love it!
Top Resources for Planning English Lessons
We’ve all had that moment in which we had no idea what to do for an English lesson. To help you out, here are some tried and true FREE resources available online for planning English lessons for kids and adults.
What Type of TEFL Teaching Job is Right for Me?
Are you thinking about getting your TEFL Certification and going to teach English abroad? If so, this post is for you as our guest writer focuses on different types of teaching jobs and which one might be best for you.
Confessions: I’m Still Learning How to Accept Who I am
Sometimes, living abroad can make you feel like your "two selves" are always at odds. However, it's important to reflect and embrace that maybe that's just the person you are! These are Dani’s thoughts over the past four years.
Living and Traveling in Spain as a Black Person: An Interview with Somto
Being Black can impact your living abroad and traveling experiences in Spain. While we are not experts when it comes to this topic, we have interviewed someone who is. In this interview we talk with Somto of the Somto Seeks blog about being a Black traveler and expat.
Confessions: My Life is in English
Even though I’ve lived abroad in Spain for years, I find my life is still primarily lived in English. At first, I felt disappointed with myself but thanks to some reflection, I’ve got a different view now.
How Dani Ended Up Living Abroad
Those of us who end up abroad do so at different times of our lives and for different reasons. If you are wondering how Dani ended up abroad, check out this post!
Everyone Has an Opinion… on the U.S.A.
There are many experiences that you will have while traveling or living abroad, but one I bet you won’t be able to avoid is having people tell you what they think about the U.S.A.