Our Ultimate Guide to Christmas in Spain
We've compiled all of our insights into the holiday season and Christmas celebrations here in Spain into one easy-to-find guide. Here's everything you need to know about Navidad.
A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Christmas Foods
Food is such an important way to celebrate in Spain and Christmas time is no different. In this post we share a beginner’s guide to traditional Christmas foods in Spain and share resources where you can find out more.
Domingo de Resurrección in Spain
Domingo de Resurrección, or Easter Sunday, is a very important holiday in Spain and so we’re sharing the information you’ll want to know about how it’s celebrated and how you can get involved.
Semana Santa: Who You See in Processions
In order to help you understand a bit more about the processions you'll find in Spain during Semana Santa, we have compiled some background information about the major players you'll see in a procession.
Is Semana Santa 2021 Happening in Spain?
As we find ourselves still in a global pandemic in 2021, you may be wondering what is actually happening this year in Spain during Semana Santa. Here’s what is (and what’s not) going on.
Semana Santa in Spain
Semana Santa, or the Holy Week leading up to Easter, is a special time in Spain. This is the first post of our series on this holiday and it shares with you some of the basics of Spanish traditions related to Easter.
Letters to a New Year (Claudia 2021)
Every year we write a letter to the future year with some thoughts about the previous year and some things we want to think about for the following one. This article focuses on Claudia’s letter to 2021.
Holiday Experience 2020 (Claudia)
This year hasn’t been easy for any of us and holiday times can highlight the ups and downs. In this post Claudia dives into her 2020 holiday experience and what she is doing to keep it bright.
Holiday Experience 2020 (Dani)
The holidays are bound to feel different this year. As such, we wanted to share with you how we’ll be celebrating and making the season bright regardless. This post covers Dani’s plans.
Christmas in Spain, Explained by a Spaniard
What do you know about Christmas traditions in Spain? Today we are joined by Spaniard David who explains some of the most typical things to see during the holiday season.
Traditions: Belenes (Nativity Scenes) in Spain
In many Spanish towns and houses you are more likely to come across a Nativity Scene or a Belén than a Christmas tree. Usually very detailed and well cared for, Belénes form an important part of the holiday traditions across the country.
Traditions: Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) in Spain
Nochebuena is what we refer to as Christmas Eve. However, unlike in the States, here in Spain it might be one of the most important days during the holidays. What should you know?