How to: Work from Home Effectively
Especially right now, working from home is something that many people are doing but that you may be experiencing for the first time. Here are our top ten tips for staying on-task and effective with work at home.
Six Stereotypes of Spain Debunked
What preconceived notions do you have about Spain? Let’s talk through six of the big stereotypes that exist about Spaniards to separate fact from fiction.
Oposiciones, Explained By a Spaniard
We’ve shared before about funcionarios (public workers) and the oposiciones (exams) to achieve these placements but today let’s explore a Spaniard’s perspective of this process. Read what guest writer Pablo has to say.
Five Things You Should Know about Teaching in an English Academy in Spain
Are you wondering what your options are for teaching English in Spain? Teaching at an English academy might just be one of your best options. Read this article for five things you need to know before you start!
An Introduction to the Job Situation in Spain
Are you thinking about moving abroad but you are not sure what the job situation is like in Spain? This introduction will give you a brief idea of what you will find here.
The Four Most Important Things to Know About Spanish Culture Before You Move Abroad
There’s so much to consider before you decide to move abroad. Check out this article for the most important aspects of Spanish culture you should understand when preparing to live abroad.
Work-to-Live vs. Live-to-Work
When moving to a new place, little things about the new culture can often surprise you. Check out this article to see how we are analyzing the work situation in Spain.
How to: Make Your Study Abroad Experience Work for You
Your time while abroad is more than just a fun adventure—it will also help you in your professional life. Not convinced, check out this article to see more!
Working Successfully with Spanish Teams
Working with other people can be difficult wherever you are. However, while intercultural teams can be wonderful, they can also be more difficult. That is why we are sharing our top tips for working with Spanish teams!
Traveling with a backpack or suitcase
Are you wondering if you should plan your next trip with a backpack or a suitcase? Check out our considerations for knowing what type of luggage will best fit your travel plans!
How to: Send emails with Spaniards
Sending formal emails in your non-native language can be scary—trust me I’ve been there. After years of writing formal emails in Spanish, here are my top three tips to being successful without stressing too much.
How Travel is a Secret Weapon in the Real World
If you ever wonder if traveling can impact your ‘real life,’ look no further. Our guest writers from Sippin’ Sangria are giving us their top tips for how to use your travel experience in the real world.