What does October 12th mean in Spain?
Are you wondering why everything is closed on the 12th of October in Spain? Well we are here to give you insight to why that is! Check out this article for more information about this holiday.
A Letter to Myself Before I Moved Abroad (Dani)
In this letter to a former self, Dani delves into what she would tell the person she was before she moved abroad and it got her thinking deeply about who she is vs. how she’s defined herself over the years.
CIEE’s Teach English in Spain Programs
Trying to decide if CIEE is the right program for you? If you’re interested in teaching English in Spain, it’s definitely one of the options to consider, but take into account the pros and cons you’ll find here.
Four Reasons Why You Need to Take Yourself on a Day Trip
We’ve already talked about the value of traveling alone but this time we’ve got a self-care trick you can put to the test even more easily—plan yourself a solo day trip! Check out the reasons why!
Confessions: Sometimes I Have to Ask for Help
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you just want to ask for help, but don’t know how? Over the past couple of years I have gotten better at recognising the symptoms and figuring out how to ask.
How I Talked to my Family about Moving Abroad (Claudia)
Understanding why you want to go abroad for yourself can be difficult, so imagine trying to explain it to others. In this article, Claudia dives into how she talks about it with close friends and family.
Benefits of Cultural Competences
In this article we dive deeper into one of potential future benefits of spending time studying in another country: professional benefits cultural competences acquired while abroad.
Confessions: I Have Non-Commitment Issues
If you haven’t heard of this condition, that’s probably because it’s made-up but doesn't make it any less real for Dani. Find out what she means by "non-commitment issues," how this affects her life, and what she's doing about it.
Teaching English with Auxiliares
Aside from undergraduate study abroad programs, one of your best options for moving to Spain is to teach English with the government's Auxiliares program. Learn more about the basics, pros, and cons of this option in this article.
What are my options for returning to Spain?
Are you past the point of studying abroad during your undergraduate years, but still looking for options to live abroad in Spain? This article is the right one for you as we'll dive into the basics of teaching, studying, and working abroad.
Six Strategies for Managing Unstructured Time
Sometimes living abroad comes with more unstructured time than you're used to. In order to help you make the most of this opportunity, I'm sharing six strategies that I've been using to improve my time management.