How to: Use Correos (Part I)
Figuring out how to use the post office (and even tabacco shops!) to get an international card or package sent off to loved ones may seem daunting but here we’ve got everything you need to know when using correos to send mail home from Spain.
Sending Letters and Postcards
Staying in touch with all of your friends and family back while you study abroad or otherwise live abroad can be tricky. Sending postcards and letters may seem old-fashioned and unnecessary, but here’s why you should do it anyways!
Empathizing with People in Uncertain Times
Have you found yourself talking to friends or family for the first time in years? Are you frustrated by conversations that you are having? Check out our three top tips on how to empathize with people during these uncertain times.
Becoming Friends Through Study Abroad: A Guest Post
Have you ever wondered about how people make good friends while studying abroad? Today we have guest writer Caroline ZuHone sharing her story with good friend a co-writer Lexa from the blog Sippin’ Sangria.
How to: Cheaply Send a Package to Spain
If a loved one recently moved to Spain, you might be wondering about how to send them international care packages and, perhaps more importantly, how to do so cheaply. We’ve got all the insider tips you need to know!
Confessions: It Sucks that Everybody Leaves
When you live in a city that has as many people moving in and out as Granada does it is easy to make new friends. However, most of them don’t stay forever and that just kind of sucks.
Managing Reverse Culture Shock
It’s not uncommon to feel frustration and resistance to your own culture upon returning home after a long time abroad. For those of you dealing with reverse culture shock, we’ve got some tips and personal insights to share.
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