Traditions: Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) in Spain
Nochebuena is what we refer to as Christmas Eve. However, unlike in the States, here in Spain it might be one of the most important days during the holidays. What should you know?
Traditions: La Lotería de Navidad in Spain
One of the strongest traditions around Christmas time in Spain is the Lotería de Navidad. Have you heard of this Christmas lottery? Will you participate? Check out this article to understand more!
Your First Conversation with Your Host Family
Moving in with a family of strangers comes with a lot of uncertainties and you may be nervous just thinking about it! In this post we cover the common behaviors and questions you can expect from your host family so you can feel prepared.
Three Unexpected Realities of my Study Abroad Experience
Life while studying abroad isn’t always what you’ll expect it to be…but if you allow it to, it can teach you a lot about yourself! In this post Dani shares three of those realizations and what they have meant to her.
Make Your ‘Host City’ Your Home (Why and How)
In order to make the most out of your experience while studying (or living) abroad, you’re going to want to make a home out of your ‘host city’. In this article, we’re outlining all the reasons why.
Choosing between a Homestay and Student Residence
To live with a Spanish family or among the students while studying abroad? It's a big decision, which is why we are talking a little bit more about what your options are and sharing what Dani decided to go with during her study abroad.
A Letter to the Parents of Travelers
We recognize that this travel and/or live abroad journey isn’t always easy on the family and loved ones we leave behind. To honor that, today we’re looking at the experience from the perspective of Dani’s parents.
Caroline’s Personal Experience Living with a Host Family
Today on the blog we have the pleasure of hosting Caroline from Sippin' Sangria as she shares about her time living with a family in Spain—complete with some great tips for making the most out of YOUR experience!
Using a Shower in Spain
You may think that showering is pretty straightforward, regardless of the country you are in. But there are a few things you find different in Spain (and Europe in general).
It Gets Cold in Spain!
Even though you may think it is always warm in Spain, that is not true! In the north, the mountains, and even in the south, we get cold! Learn how we are trying to combat it!