Don’t Lose That ‘Tourist’ Feeling
When you first arrive somewhere, discovering all the places, even if you have to pay, is a very normal thing to do. However, as you get more comfortable you tend to loose these tendencies. Here's why you shouldn't.
Make Your ‘Host City’ Your Home (Why and How)
In order to make the most out of your experience while studying (or living) abroad, you’re going to want to make a home out of your ‘host city’. In this article, we’re outlining all the reasons why.
What is “Home?”
For those of us who live abroad, move often, and/or are nomadic it can be very difficult to pinpoint where and what ‘home’ is. Thankfully, with some help from our friends, we’re getting a little closer to our own definition.
‘Adulting’ While Abroad
‘Adulting’ isn’t always fun or easy and it can feel even more frustrating when you’re living abroad. However, you can look at it much like culture shock and this provides some comfort!
The Power of Perspective
Have you ever thought about how changing your perspective could change your reality? I think you should!
Life with Visitors is Different
Try as I may, I simply can’t live out my ‘normal life’ when I have visitors! It’s not an inherently bad thing, but certainly something we all need to recognize and come to terms with in our own ways. Thus, I’m sharing some personal insights on the topic.
Thriving is Just Striving!
I’ve had the feeling for awhile now that we need to change the way in which we define ‘thriving’ and it turns out that my inkling has led me right back to the TRUE definition of ‘thriving’—I think you’ll be happily surprised!
Confessions: It’s Really Hard for Me to Take a Day Off
I mean, how often do YOU take time off? And I don’t mean simply not going to work; I mean truly, deeply giving your mind and body a rest—completely guilt-free. Chances are, you may need to do some reflecting as I have…
The Importance of Mindful Reflection
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle, forward-thinking mentality that is so prevalent in our society. However, Dani’s recently found a mindful reflection practice to help her appreciate how far she’s come. Could it benefit you as well?
Letters to a New Year (Claudia 2019)
Starting off a new year with a letter is a great way to get your thoughts together about what you want to achieve during the following 365 days. Check out Claudia’s letter to 2019 to understand what she is going for this year.
Letters to a New Year (Dani 2019)
In this letter to a new year, Dani reflects on the wild ride that was 2018 and delves into what she’s looking forward to in 2019.
Hosting the Holidays Abroad
Hosting the holidays is a big responsibility wherever you are, but it can be extra intimidating if you’ll be doing it for the first time while abroad! Dani dishes on her honest-to-goodness feelings about this and shares some tips as well.