Our Ultimate Guide to Christmas in Spain
We've compiled all of our insights into the holiday season and Christmas celebrations here in Spain into one easy-to-find guide. Here's everything you need to know about Navidad.
What’s the Difference Between a Spanish Coach and a Spanish Teacher?
Dear Kim, We love that you’ve decided to learn Spanish (or further your study of Spanish) and integrate into life in Spain! We talk about language-learning a lot here on the blog and so you might already be familiar with some common options like apps, books, and tutors. However, did you know there’s another, less common but incredibly powerful way to learn Spanish? It’s working with a Spanish Coach, who offers a unique blend of teaching and life coaching. We’ll be honest, we weren’t super familiar with language coaching ourselves until recently, but when we connected with Jaime Valencia, the director of ABLA Academy, we were immediately intrigued! Coach Jaime…
Navigating Expat Life: Building Community as New Parents
Building communities is relevant for people at all stages of their abroad journey, but we've found it to be especially important as we navigate our lives as new parents. Here are some of the ways we're finding a sense of community as expats in Spain and Finland.
Embracing Your Empowered Expat Woman
Guest writer Camilla Quintana walks you through the steps she uses with her clients to help them feel more empowered and in control of their path and story. With her thoughtful insights, you too can embrace your empowered expat woman.
12 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a Language through TV & Movies
Watching TV and movies can be an exciting and effective way to learn Spanish, making language learning more accessible than ever. However, many language learners often stumble upon common mistakes that hinder their progress. In today's guest post, Milena walks you through 12 of the main errors and how you can avoid them.
Learning Spanish through storytelling: the shortcut to fluency
Dear Rafa, Today on the blog we are sharing with you a blog post from Marta Fernández, a native Spanish teacher and coach. After experiencing the cultural and linguistic barriers for over a decade as an expat in Bristol, UK, she returned to Madrid with the mission of helping expat women to communicate, integrate and feel connected in Spain. She provides language and cultural teaching and coaching to minimize the effects of the cultural shock and facilitate a smooth transition to Spain. You can find more about Marta on her website: https://spanishflowschool.com/ Or her Instagram: @marta.spanish.teacher And with that, we hope you enjoy this article about language learning, we know we…
3 days in Barcelona: Travel Tips by Founder of Spanish AI Travel Planner
Looking to plan a trip to Barcelona but not sure where to begin? Guest writer Andrés Martinez is the Founder and CEO of Speakspots, a Spain and European-focused AI Travel Planner, and he really knows his way around this popular destination. Check out his tips for planning a fully optimized 3-day stay in Barcelona.
Relocating to Madrid: A Specialist’s Insights into Apartment-Hunting
Today we welcome to the blog guest writer, Eliana. She is a reputable relocation specialist with tons of experience helping auxiliares find housing in Madrid. In this post, she walks you through what you should know about the apartment-hunting process, a few districts of the city you should consider, why you might want to work with a relocation specialist, and more.
Indie Books You Should Read
Please Note: This post contains affiliate links to products, which means that we may receive a commission for purchases. For more information, see our disclosures here. Thanks for your support! Dear Michael, Given the release of my debut women’s fiction novel at the start of this month, Claudia and I have been discussing reading and books more than usual. When she mentioned that she’s doing a lot more reading on her new Kindle these days and would like some recommendations for quality self-published or small press books, we quickly realized that this is a topic that may interest you as well. Today’s post is not specific to life abroad,…
The Complete Guide to Ambiguous Expat Grief
The word ‘grief’ tends to make us think about the deep sadness that comes from a loved one dying. However, this is not the only kind of grief that exists. In this post, we take a deep dive into "ambiguous expat grief," a wide-ranging, confusing sense of loss that expats / immigrants experience.
How to Get a Student Visa to Study in Spain
Today we are pleased to welcome to the blog guest writer, Ciaran O Toole. Ciaran is from SegurCaixa Adeslas, where he is part of the English speaking team and works with clients who are looking for health insurance as part of their visa application or renewal. He is from Ireland and originally came to Spain to study Business and Spanish. He has lived in Madrid for 3 years and has been working in insurance for 2 years. Ciaran knows the headache of moving to Spain and his job is to help you! For that reason, we knew he was the right person to help answer some of the questions you…
Language-Learning Tips: Change Your Relationship with Mistakes
Today we welcome to the blog Pat, the founder of Laid-back Languages. After struggling to learn French in school, Pat used psychology to crack the code of language-learning and has since taught himself five languages. In this post, he shares one of his biggest tips for language-learners: healing your relationship with mistakes.