Navigating Expat Life: Building Community as New Parents
Building communities is relevant for people at all stages of their abroad journey, but we've found it to be especially important as we navigate our lives as new parents. Here are some of the ways we're finding a sense of community as expats in Spain and Finland.
Seven Years of Sincerely, Spain
To celebrate seven years of blogging, we're taking you on a walk down memory lane. Check out this deep dive into the early days of Sincerely, Spain and all of the changes we have undergone along the way to bring us to where we are today.
The Sanctuary Challenge: The Logistics
We have already discussed the mental and emotional things we have been going through with the Sanctuary Challenge but this post focuses on how we’ve done it. Check it out for our logistics to making this work!
The Sanctuary Challenge: A Mental/Emotional Journey
Dani and Claudia have been experimenting with the Sanctuary Challenge—a 60 day challenge where we try to make ourselves and our homes a place of sanctuary. We are about halfway through and this is what we are thinking.
Letters to a New Year (Claudia 2021)
Every year we write a letter to the future year with some thoughts about the previous year and some things we want to think about for the following one. This article focuses on Claudia’s letter to 2021.
Holiday Experience 2020 (Claudia)
This year hasn’t been easy for any of us and holiday times can highlight the ups and downs. In this post Claudia dives into her 2020 holiday experience and what she is doing to keep it bright.
Adapting to a New Culture: Claudia’s Experiences
Adapting is hard. In this post we share Claudia’s experience on adapting to a new culture, some ups and downs, and tips for finding your own way while living abroad in a new country.
What You Need to Know About Helsinki
Wondering about Helsinki in Finland and why you should visit (hint, you should!)? Check out this article for our top tips on what to see and what traditional pastry to try!