How To Survive Your First Year Living Abroad
Moving abroad is a journey filled with excitement and challenges. Guest writer John Harvey knows that the thrill of a beginning often goes hand-in-hand with the overwhelming task of settling into a new environment. Check out his eight tips for not only surviving, but thriving, during your first year abroad.
Relocating to Madrid: A Specialist’s Insights into Apartment-Hunting
Today we welcome to the blog guest writer, Eliana. She is a reputable relocation specialist with tons of experience helping auxiliares find housing in Madrid. In this post, she walks you through what you should know about the apartment-hunting process, a few districts of the city you should consider, why you might want to work with a relocation specialist, and more.
The Complete Guide to Ambiguous Expat Grief
The word ‘grief’ tends to make us think about the deep sadness that comes from a loved one dying. However, this is not the only kind of grief that exists. In this post, we take a deep dive into "ambiguous expat grief," a wide-ranging, confusing sense of loss that expats / immigrants experience.
How to Get a Student Visa to Study in Spain
Today we are pleased to welcome to the blog guest writer, Ciaran O Toole. Ciaran is from SegurCaixa Adeslas, where he is part of the English speaking team and works with clients who are looking for health insurance as part of their visa application or renewal. He is from Ireland and originally came to Spain to study Business and Spanish. He has lived in Madrid for 3 years and has been working in insurance for 2 years. Ciaran knows the headache of moving to Spain and his job is to help you! For that reason, we knew he was the right person to help answer some of the questions you…
Top Three Things to Consider Before Relocating to Spain
Today we welcome to the blog guest writer, Christopher Nye to talk about the top three things he recommends you consider before relocating to Spain long-term.
3 Lessons Learned After Moving to Spain
Today we welcome guest writer, Gabriele, to the blog. After five years living abroad in Spain, she’s sharing with us the three biggest lessons she’s learned. Check them out here.
3 Things People Don’t Talk About When it Comes to Living Abroad
Abroad life on social media might seem amazing and beautiful. It might look exotic and different. However, these versions are filtered. That is why in this post we are diving in to three things people don’t tend to share about living abroad.
Expat Life in Barcelona
Today on the blog we are welcoming guest writer Chloe, a British expat who now finds herself living in Barcelona. She shares some of her favorite things to do in the city and why Barcelona is a great place to live as an expat.
Dealing with Your Period Abroad (in Spain)
Periods are something that will happen no matter where you are in the world yet they can feel strange when traveling or living abroad. In this post we dive into what you want to know about handling your period while in Spain.
Maneuvering Menopause Abroad
Maneuvering menopause anywhere can be challenging, but going through this stage of life can be even more complicated and isolating for women experiencing it while living abroad. Today’s post comes from Jane Ordaz, “The Menopausal Expat,” who shares her insights on it all.
Expat Life in Almeria
Today on the blog we are welcoming guest writer Peace Bailey. Peace shares her experiences about moving abroad to Almeria Spain with young children and how this might just be her forever home.
Snapshots of Spain (Announcing Dani’s Book)
Have you heard? Dani’s releasing her second book this week and it’s a collection of short stories all about expat life in Spain! Check out this post for the details and a tour of the stories’ Spanish destinations.