Accepting My Own Journey Part II
In Part II, Dani shares all the ways things feel the same and different, seven years later. In a beautiful turn of events, things shifted positively for her within the days of working on this post and the piece reflects that change, thanks to true acceptance.
How Can I Best Communicate with a Traveling Loved One?
You might be at a bit of a loss as to the best ways to communicate with a loved one who is far away, living abroad. Not to worry, we’ve outline seven forms of communication in this article to make sure the communication is great!
A Letter to the Parents of Travelers
We recognize that this travel and/or live abroad journey isn’t always easy on the family and loved ones we leave behind. To honor that, today we’re looking at the experience from the perspective of Dani’s parents.
How to: Cheaply Send a Package to Spain
If a loved one recently moved to Spain, you might be wondering about how to send them international care packages and, perhaps more importantly, how to do so cheaply. We’ve got all the insider tips you need to know!