Cómo Aprender Español: Cómo Quitar el Miedo al Hablar
Dear Evan,
Some of our most popular posts over here at Sincerely, Spain are about Spanish language learning and expressions that we think you should know. However, until late 2020 we shared all our information in English, our native language. Having both learned Spanish to the point of being fluent (or so we hope), we know that English will only take you so far when you are trying to learn another language but we are also aware that we are not Spanish teachers. We were left with a bit of a dilemma and that is how the series Cómo Aprender Español: Entrevistas con Expertos was born.
In this video series, we have connected with certified Spanish teachers who offer classes online (which means you will be able to access them wherever you find yourself these days) to talk about the different areas of language learning they think is important. By having the conversations in Spanish, we are giving them space to share their expertise but also allowing you to practice your language skills while you learn.
Today we are sharing with you our third episode: Cómo Quitar el Miedo al Hablar. For this episode Claudia was able to (virtually) sit down with Spanish teacher Mabel Sánchez, the mind behind Discover Spanish World, to discuss the fear that exists behind speaking a language. She shared with us her own experience with this and some of her favorite tips for helping you overcome this fear.
We really enjoyed how much passion Mabel brings to the conversation and we were pleasantly surprised to hear her two main tips: using music and talking to yourself. We have had language teachers focus on music before (and we have even used this tool while teaching ourselves), but Mable presents how we can use music in a new light and it has definitely inspired us. In addition, since this interview, Claudia is making an effort to talk to herself more in Finnish—which luckily, no one else has to listen to—to see if it works for her!
This episode will be beneficial to you if you are feeling alone in your language learning journey and you just don’t know what to do about your fear of speaking. Mabel is a caring and kind language teacher who quickly put us at ease and we hope that her tips will help you as well! Check out the full video below and note, while the conversation takes place in Spanish, there are subtitles (in Spanish and English) to support you as well.
As always, let us know in the comments here or on YouTube if you have any questions or specific experiences you would like to share.
In episode 3, Claudia talks with Mabel Sánchez about how to overcome your fear of speaking a language, including two tips that you can use every day to become more comfortable with your language skills.