Are You Fluent In Spanish?
How good are you at speaking the local language? Would you say you are fluent? Do you dream in that language? Check out this article for some of our insights on what it means to be fluent in Spanish.
Why I Went Abroad (Claudia’s Story)
What is a good enough reason for going abroad? We think any reason is good enough! Read Claudia’s story about how she ended up living abroad in this story.
My Experience with Coffee in Spain
It seems like coffee has an important role to play all around the world. However, we have experience of living the importance of coffee in Spain. Are you interested in finding out what we have personally discovered…?
A Letter to Myself Before I Moved Abroad (Claudia)
If I were to talk to my 17 year old self, I would want to assure her that everything is going to be okay and that life has a way of working itself out. If I were to write her a letter, this is what it would say.
A Letter to Myself Before I Moved Abroad (Dani)
In this letter to a former self, Dani delves into what she would tell the person she was before she moved abroad and it got her thinking deeply about who she is vs. how she’s defined herself over the years.
Accepting My Own Journey (Claudia)
We can’t always be in a perfect place (emotionally or physically) all the time. See where Claudia is in accepting her own personal journey will living abroad in Spain in this article.