Expat Life in Almeria
Today on the blog we are welcoming guest writer Peace Bailey. Peace shares her experiences about moving abroad to Almeria Spain with young children and how this might just be her forever home.
Different Regions in Spain
Even though we are always referring to the country of Spain, today we want to take a moment to recognize the many different regions within Spain. Each one shares something with the rest of the country but is also unique.
What is el Día de Andalucía (Day of Andalusia)
With so many local festivals in Spain, it is sometimes hard to keep track of what each one means. Today we are diving into one of the most important holidays in southern Spain: Día de Andalucía.
What is Al-Andalus?
Al-Andalus is the Muslim rule of the territory of modern day Spain. The kingdoms that made up the region made such an influence that we can clearly see their mark to this day.
What You Need to Know About Almería
From its fortress and cathedral built in order to keep out pirates to the beautiful beaches surrounding the city to the railway tracks that come to a stop in the sea, Almería is an often over-looked city of intrigue.