An Interview with Monta Lio (An Aussie-Spanish Band)
Dani interviews Pat Bryne and Fernando Durango of Monta Lio. In this exclusive interview, the pair shares about their experiences living abroad, learning new languages, and making their own unique fusion of music.
Being Thankful: Celebrating Thanksgiving in Spain
Happy Thanksgiving! Even though you might be super thankful for your study or live abroad experience, the holiday time can be hard. Check out these top tips for celebrating your traditions abroad.
Make Your ‘Host City’ Your Home (Why and How)
In order to make the most out of your experience while studying (or living) abroad, you’re going to want to make a home out of your ‘host city’. In this article, we’re outlining all the reasons why.
What is “Home?”
For those of us who live abroad, move often, and/or are nomadic it can be very difficult to pinpoint where and what ‘home’ is. Thankfully, with some help from our friends, we’re getting a little closer to our own definition.
Confessions: I Miss Home
Even though she doesn’t always admit it, living so far away from family, friends, and ‘home’ does get hard on Dani. Read her thoughts about it all in this confession.
Help! I’m three months in and I’m feeling blue…
There is a time in every long-term abroad journey when things seem a little bluer than they did before. I call this the “three month feeling.” Check out this article to see what it means to me and how I deal with it.
Managing Reverse Culture Shock
It’s not uncommon to feel frustration and resistance to your own culture upon returning home after a long time abroad. For those of you dealing with reverse culture shock, we’ve got some tips and personal insights to share.
Introduction to Reverse Culture Shock
As if leaving your wonderful new “home” abroad isn’t bad enough, returning home after studying/teaching/living abroad could mean that reverse culture shock is right around the corner. Be sure to check out this article in order to prepare yourself for what that may mean.
Confessions: That Three Month Feeling
About three months in to living abroad we realize that there is a tendency to end up in an emotional place where we miss people, places, and customs that are far away. Learn about what we call the three month feeling.