Navigating Expat Life: Building Community as New Parents
Building communities is relevant for people at all stages of their abroad journey, but we've found it to be especially important as we navigate our lives as new parents. Here are some of the ways we're finding a sense of community as expats in Spain and Finland.
3 Things People Don’t Talk About When it Comes to Living Abroad
Abroad life on social media might seem amazing and beautiful. It might look exotic and different. However, these versions are filtered. That is why in this post we are diving in to three things people don’t tend to share about living abroad.
Maneuvering Menopause Abroad
Maneuvering menopause anywhere can be challenging, but going through this stage of life can be even more complicated and isolating for women experiencing it while living abroad. Today’s post comes from Jane Ordaz, “The Menopausal Expat,” who shares her insights on it all.
Lessons Learned in Four Years of Blogging
Over the four years we’ve run Sincerely, Spain we’ve grown and learned a lot. Here are six of the most important lessons that the adventure of running this blog together has taught us.
How to: Bridge the Language Gap
When trying to communicate with someone with a different native language than yours, it’s easy to get stuck in the language gap. In this article we discuss six tactics that will help you bridge the gap and overcome this obstacle.
How to: Find Community and Make Friends Online
In the weird world we currently live in, you may feel isolated need to consider creative ways to feel connected. We’ve got lots of tips for where you can find community online and how you can make new friends—virtually.
At Home Anywhere: A Book Review
In this post, we review and provide insight on everything the book At Home Anywhere has to offer. It’s likely a good fit for you, whether you’re moving abroad or not.
My Experience with Coffee in Spain
It seems like coffee has an important role to play all around the world. However, we have experience of living the importance of coffee in Spain. Are you interested in finding out what we have personally discovered…?
Confessions: It Sucks that Everybody Leaves
When you live in a city that has as many people moving in and out as Granada does it is easy to make new friends. However, most of them don’t stay forever and that just kind of sucks.
How to: Volunteer in Spain
Have you thought about how you will make an impact on your new community. Check out this article for Claudia's tips on how to volunteer when abroad in Spain!