Confessions: Sometimes I Have to Ask for Help
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you just want to ask for help, but don’t know how? Over the past couple of years I have gotten better at recognising the symptoms and figuring out how to ask.
Our Personal Experiences with Bullfighting
The debate about bullfighting is alive and well here in Spain. In this article we’d like to share our thoughts on the matter, from the perspective of Americans attending a bullfight in Spain.
Confessions: I Have Non-Commitment Issues
If you haven’t heard of this condition, that’s probably because it’s made-up but doesn't make it any less real for Dani. Find out what she means by "non-commitment issues," how this affects her life, and what she's doing about it.
This is My Life Now: Dani
We talk about a lot of different things on the blog, but we don't always invite you into our heads. This article focuses on what Dani is focusing on and thinking about at the moment.
Confessions: I am a Serial Friender
Making friends everywhere you go is hard! That's why I would consider myself to be a serial friender. What does that mean? Check out this article to see!
Confessions: I am a Different Person in Different Languages
Do you ever feel like you are a different person in different languages?! I for one do, and I believe that it is normal. This article dives into my perception of the situation.
Confessions: That Three Month Feeling
About three months in to living abroad we realize that there is a tendency to end up in an emotional place where we miss people, places, and customs that are far away. Learn about what we call the three month feeling.